Project Detail
Presently Nagpur city has a population of 25.50 lakhs and it is supplied with 470 MLD of water from different sources. The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) manages City Water Supply and Waste Water collection and disposal so also Solid Waste Management within corporation limits having an area of 217.56 In view of the prospective population of the city and the water demand thereof the Nagpur Municipal Corporation has contemplated to take-up Augmentation to Nagpur Water Supply Scheme (Pench-IV) immediately for which Pench reservoir at Navegaon Khairy is already identified as source in view of the existing reservation in the Pench reservoir for 532 MLD sufficient upto year 2011 of Master Plan. The improvements to Water Supply System consist of source augmentation, additional Transmission Main, new Water Treatment Plant, construction of new Elevated Service Reservoirs and additional Distribution Mains in various parts of the city.